MRA Councils extend from Cape Cod to the North Shore and into Boston. We encourage you to become a member of your MRA Local Council, to be in the know about the latest Local Council events, and to share your professional thoughts and creative ideas with your fellow literacy educators.
Provide you regular contact with other literacy leaders from your area
Hold meetings and events throughout the school year at locations throughout each MRA geographic region
Work to keep members up-to-date on all the latest education developments
Present speakers who are inspirational and will help members advance their teaching skills
Provide networking opportunities
Promote sharing and friendship to a diverse community of literacy professionals who love the important work they do
Provide opportunities to serve as literacy leaders within the organization
Local Council
Please email for information:
Cape Cod
President: Mary Wall
Greater Boston
President: Jeanne Conley, Sarah Fennelly
Presidents: Marlene Correia
Website -
Merrimack Valley
Merrimack Council is currently inactive. If you have an interest in leading literacy initiatives in your area, please contact MRA at
Presidents: Sherry Alleman, Terrie Marr
North Shore
North Shore Council is currently inactive. If you have an interest in leading literacy initiatives in your area, please contact MRA at
Pioneer Valley
President: Sherry Sausville
President: Nancy Witherell
South Shore
President: Kerri Fuller